About me

About me

Hi! My name is Nicole Füscher.

"I was born in Hamburg in 1996. From an early age I was a creative soul who found joy in trying out as many things as possible. So I tried things like dancing, singing or drawing, among other things. I was even interested in computer science, because the idea of creating something from something as simple as letters and numbers inspired me.With this thought in mind, I studied "Computer Games Technology" for 2 semesters at the FH Wedel, but realized that I would rather leave mathematics and computer science to someone else. .. In order to pursue the creative path after all, I completed my training as a communication designer at the htk Academy 3 years later.

Through this creative "journey of discovery", I was able to filter out what my calling should be and became a freelance web, app and graphic designer. Outside of the creative aspect of my work, it makes me happy to support and accompany people on their journey and their discovery."

Hi! My name is

Nicole Füscher.

"I was born in Hamburg in 1996. From an early age I was a creative soul who found joy in trying out as many things as possible. So I tried things like dancing, singing or drawing, among other things. I was even interested in computer science, because the idea of creating something from something as simple as letters and numbers inspired me.With this thought in mind, I studied "Computer Games Technology" for 2 semesters at the FH Wedel, but realized that I would rather leave mathematics and computer science to someone else. .. In order to pursue the creative path after all, I completed my training as a communication designer at the htk Academy 3 years later.

Through this creative "journey of discovery", I was able to filter out what my calling should be and became a freelance web, app and graphic designer. Outside of the creative aspect of my work, it makes me happy to support and accompany people on their journey and their discovery."

Education & Qualification

In autumn 2020 I successfully completed the 3-year training as a communication designer at the htk Academy and accordingly received a verified diploma, which you can examine by clicking on the button.

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Education & Qualification

In autumn 2020 I successfully completed the 3-year training as a communication designer at the htk Academy and accordingly received a verified diploma, which you can examine by clicking on the button.

View Diploma



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This is just a part of my portfolio to get a first impression. Just click the button to view the full portfolio.

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